Does anyone have Livna packages for ATI FGLRX 8.24.8 ?

Mikko Huhtala mhuhtala at
Thu Aug 24 16:01:58 UTC 2006

We were using the Livna-packaged version 8.24.8 of the proprietary ATI
FGLRX driver on Fedora Core 5. I recently updated kernels and drivers
on several machines and noticed that ATI's support for R200 chips is
broken in driver versions following 8.24.8. The latest one kind of
works on R200, but it shows OpenGL rendering bugs when a certain
(critically important to us) application is used and does not seem to
work with R200 and LCD displays connected via DVI.

I have been unable to install 8.24.8 from the original ATI packages on
FC5 (it does not like Xorg 1.0.1 and the new kernels), even with some
patches I found. The patched Livna package that used to work is not in
their repo any more and I have deleted my copies as well. Does anyone
happen to have the Livna binary, or even better, the source RPMS for
FGLRX 8.24.8 saved?


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