Authentication with SMART_HOST in sendmail?

James Wilkinson fedora at
Thu Aug 24 18:48:58 UTC 2006

Tim wrote:
> While a person's ISP mightn't stop them from doing that, various mail
> services will not accept mail sent directly from an ISP customer's IP
> address.

Steve Searle wrote:
> Which ones?  I always send email directly from my IP address.

AOL, for one. You may not think that's a bad thing...

It depends a bit on which ISP you're using and what sort of services
they provide. If you have a fixed IP address then you're more likely to
get away with it (compared to using one of a pool of dynamic addresses,
which may be used by random virus-infected Windows clients). Similarly,
the more "business class" your service, the more likely they are to
accept e-mail from you.

See, for example,

Hope this helps,


New address: james  | "Never trust a species that grins all the time. | It's up to something."
                    |     -- Terry Pratchett, about dolphins

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