Old Kernel rpm's

James Wilkinson fedora at aprilcottage.co.uk
Thu Aug 24 19:02:11 UTC 2006

Ken Nordquist wrote:
> I am using the FC5 x86_64 arch on my HP Pavilion laptop.  Since kernel
> 2157, I have been experiencing random crashes...  and seeing peculiar
> messages about my DVD player in the messages log.  
> I would like to roll back to kernel 2111 (where I experienced no
> problems), but cannot find the rpm's.  I have RTFM'd, Google'd and
> searched to no avail...  Does anyone know where I can reacquire the 2111
> and 2111 dev kernel rpm's for my x86_64?


If that doesn't work, Google kernel-2.6.16-1.2111_FC5.x86_64.rpm .

Note that this kernel has security problems.

(If you still can't get it, I have the x86_64 2122 RPMs still...)

Hope this helps,


New address: james  | Which do you consider was the stronger swimmer,
@aprilcottage.co.uk | (a) The Spanish Armadillo,
                    | (b) The Great Seal?
                    |     -- '1066 and All That'

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