VMwareWorkstation menus [SOLVED]

Robert Locke lists at ralii.com
Thu Aug 24 22:48:24 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2006-08-24 at 17:26 -0400, Matthew Saltzman wrote:
> Reinstalled, reran the script, but this time did not install 
> vmware-any-any-104 patch.  Now all is well, except that the patches are 
> missing (if there are any that are needed).

Ah, that might be it....  I have never applied the vmware-any-any patch
to 5.5.2 (I did on 5.5.1 - up through 102), but I had grabbed the 5.5.2
rpm pretty much the day it came out and it worked, so I never even
looked for the patch on the new install I did last week....  I must
admit to not having "stress-tested" 5.5.2 yet, just confirmed that my
Windows XP Guest booted and my one app worked, but haven't been back in
since then....

Admittedly, I have usually had good luck with the patches from petr....
Guess this one might be an oooops....  Perhaps the patch 104 pre-dates

I wonder if Kam also applied the patches, as that might demonstrate a
pattern.... :-)


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