removing old Kernels

Jacques B. jjrboucher at
Fri Aug 25 02:39:26 UTC 2006

The original poster asked how to remove old kernels.  That is a good
indication of the OP's level of knowledge.  It is very reasonable to
conclude that the OP did not compile his own kernel so although no
doubt an interesting debate and educational, it is most likely not
applicable to the OP's situation and beyond the OP's knowledge/skill
level (so rpm -e would be the logical suggestion to his question).

I agree with the earlier suggestion of running the following as root:

First determine what kernel version you are running (should be the
latest one installed - if not I suggest you re-boot to the latest
kernel as you will not be able to remove an older one which is
active).  Do this as follows:
# uname -a

Next determine which kernels are installed.  Do this as follows (-q
for query, -a for all, then pipe that to grep for the results with the
word kernel in it).
# rpm -qa | grep kernel

Finally remove the older kernels by doing the following for each
kernel you wish to remove (good advice to keep at least current and
previous version):
# rmp -e older-kernel-exactly-as-spelled-in-previous-query

This will also take care of modifying your grub.conf file.

Jacques B.

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