Fedora Core 5 x86_64: some network connections fail

Matt Morgan minxmertzmomo at gmail.com
Fri Aug 25 23:10:34 UTC 2006

On 8/25/06, Chong Yu Meng <chongym at cymulacrum.net> wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-08-25 at 10:21 -0400, Matt Morgan wrote:
> > I'm having a new (to me), strange networking problem on an FC5 install
> > on a new computer. Basically, I can't make some network connections to
> > some sites. The best way to explain this is probably with some
> > examples:
> >
> > 1) I can ssh to my own server.
> > 2) I can http to my own server, but I can't download the image on my
> > home page (a very small png). Nor can I get the squirrelmail home page
> > to load from that server.
> > 3) I can login via IMAP to my own server, but then Thunderbird times
> > out when downloading mail.
> > 4) I can login via POP3 to my ISP email account, but then Thunderbird
> > times out when downloading mail.
> > 5) I can get to any google web site, like my gmail, and to
> > register.co.uk via http, but I can't download slashdot pages or New
> > York Times pages or most other web pages (timeout on "Waiting for
> > /server/").
> >
> > In all the cases of failure, it's not DNS--I get the address fine.
> >
> > On the same computer I have a Windows XP install, where all these
> > things work fine. So I know it's not hardware. For what it's worth,
> > everything worked fine for a about a day and a half before I lost some
> > networking. I'm clueless as to what might have changed since it
> > worked.
> >
> Hi Matt,
> My initial thought was it may be something between your computer and the
> Internet, but since your Windows XP works fine, then that can't be it.
> You may want to try the following, in order:
> -- Try turning off iptables and SELinux

That was already done.

> -- check if you have installed any extensions to your browser (I assume
> it is firefox?) that may interfere with browsing

It's firefox, and I didn't really have any, except for languages and
the DOM inspector (which I turned off to no effect). In any case, I
have similar problems in Thunderbird, too, so I'm pretty sure it's not

> -- Try running wget

Same issue, basically. If I try to wget the slashdot home page, I get:

wget www.slashdot.org
--19:02:00--  http://www.slashdot.org/
           => `index.html'
Resolving www.slashdot.org...
Connecting to www.slashdot.org||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
Location: http://slashdot.org/ [following]
--19:02:01--  http://slashdot.org/
           => `index.html'
Resolving slashdot.org...
Connecting to slashdot.org||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/html]

And then the little arrow just goes back and forth, nothing downloads.

> -- Try using telnet to port 80 on a remote machine

Again, it works normally for google.com, (I get "connection closed"
after hitting enter the second time) but not for slashdot.org,
nytimes.com, etc. (they just hang at

Connected to www.slashdot.org (
Escape character is '^]'.

until I hit ctrl-] ).

> -- Try running traceroute to see where your packets go.

Traceroute and ping always work normally, whether I can use more
complicated protocols to get to the site or not.

Thanks for the help!

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