iso cds downloaded to Windows 98se Desktop; can't understand how to checksum

Kam Leo kam.leo at
Sat Aug 26 02:57:55 UTC 2006

On 8/25/06, ELLEN ROBIN <emrobin2 at> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have downloaded iso cds 1-5 from mirror site.
> I had to get sha1sum from another independent site because it would not
> download but only run on the mirror site.
> I still do not understand how to check the downloaded iso files with the
> downloaded sha1sum.exe file.
> I tried putting it in system32 as I had read from a volunteer's  site, but
> could not figure out where the prompt is that he suggested entering a run
> command within.  I tried the run dialogue box in Windows, but it would not
> work with what I entered.
> I would love to follow precautions and feel that I am learning to do
> something correctly rather than creating a mess no better than Window's
> madness.
> I would appreciate the assistance of a knowledgeable FC user.
> Thank you.
> Sincerely,
> Mitchell

You do not need to put sha1sum.exe into system32.  If you only want to
use this program one time you could have saved it to the same folder
as the .iso files.  However, since you already have sha1sum.exe in
system32 you will not have to worry about adding a search path to
invoke the utility.

Here are the steps:

1. Click Start -> Run
2. Type cmd in the text box and click OK.
    This will open what we old-timers call a DOS box.
3. Click the mouse cursor on the cmd.exe window/DOS box.
4. At the command prompt ">" symbol type:

> CD path_to_folder_containing_iso_files.  [Example: CD C:\My Documents]

> SHA!SUM name_of_file_to check

5. Repeat "SHA1SUM name_of_file_to_check" as necessary.


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