vi editor

Aaron Konstam akonstam at
Sat Aug 26 13:50:20 UTC 2006

On Fri, 2006-08-25 at 22:30 +0200, Kevac Marko wrote:
> By the way, what is the best method to copy some text from one
> position in the file to another position?
You use : nyy and p (where n is the number of lines you are copying).
> While using the simple method of mouse copy\paste we emphasize two
> problems:
> 1. We have to delete text from previous position using dd 
> 2. If we copy text with tabs and than paste it, there are some
> additional tabs appearing
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Evolution is as much a fact as the earth turning on its axis and going
around the sun. At one time this was called the Copernican theory; but,
when evidence for a theory becomes so overwhelming that no informed
person can doubt it, it is customary for scientists to call it a fact.
That all present life descended from earlier forms, over vast stretches
of geologic time, is as firmly established as Copernican cosmology.
Biologists differ only with respect to theories about how the process
operates. -- Martin Gardner, "Irving Kristol and the Facts of Life".
Aaron Konstam telephone: (210) 656-0355 e-mail: akonstam at

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