FC5 anomaly was indeed hardware

david c cooke dcooke at efn.org
Sat Aug 26 13:53:44 UTC 2006

<message snipped>

Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2006 18:12:00 +0100
From: James Wilkinson <fedora at aprilcottage.co.uk>
Subject: Re: Anomaly encountered  installing FC5
Could be memory trouble, too -- in fact, it sounds a lot like memory
trouble. Run memtest86 from the install DVD: see the second point of
http://fedora.redhat.com/docs/release-notes/fc4/#id2501928 for details.

You should leave it running overnight.

Hope this helps,


<message snipped>

From: Tim <ignored_mailbox at yahoo.com.au>
(Currently running FC4, in case that's important to the thread)

Thanks to Tim and James for commenting-

I had a feeling it was a hardware problem but wanted some more input.
After messing around with it for two days, I took the machine back to the
builders. Technician said something to the effect "...I'll install Windows
and It won't do that"... "Santanic Messages" spinning around. I left my
phone number. It has been over a week now...


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