poor wireless sensitivity after installation of fc5 on an ibm x40 laptop

David Perkinson davidp at reed.edu
Sat Aug 26 20:58:56 UTC 2006

Hi Ronald,

Thanks for your suggestion.  The version I had installed was 3.0.2.  
Just to make sure, I removed it and used the rpm you suggested.  After 
installation, my /lib/firmware looked like this:

ipw2200-2.4-LICENSE  ipw2200-sniffer.fw       ipw-2.4-ibss.fw         
ipw2200-3.0-LICENSE  ipw-2.4-boot.fw            ipw-2.4-ibss_ucode.fw
ipw2200-bss.fw               ipw-2.4-bss.fw              ipw-2.4-sniffer.fw
ipw2200-ibss.fw              ipw-2.4-bss_ucode.fw  ipw-2.4-sniffer_ucode.fw

After rmmod ipw2200 and modprobe ipw2200, there was no increase in 
sensitivity (e.g., I  cannot communicate with wireless in the room 
adjacent to  the router, whereas previously I was able to communicate 
not only in adjacent rooms but from much further distances).

So I have reverted to 3.0.2 and the problem remains.


Ronald Warsow wrote:
> hi David
> firware has changed to V. 3x
> livna:
> ipw2200-firmware-3.0-1.lvn5.noarch.rpm
> ronald

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