Find every instance of hostname

Anne Wilson cannewilson at
Sat Aug 26 21:36:26 UTC 2006

On Saturday 26 August 2006 20:56, Dean S. Messing wrote:
> :
> : Time, I don't mind.  I suspect, though, that the 12,000 or so emails
> : would also be included.
> Easily handled if the e-mail is all under one directory.  If so, then
> (assuming the mail is in "/usr/foo/mail-under-here"
> find / -path "/usr/foo/mail-under-here" -prune -o -type f -fstype ext3
> -exec fgrep -l "hostname" {} \;
> This is just a boolean expression. -o means "OR".
> "AND" is implicitly between all other arguments if no "-o" conjunction
> is given.  So it says
>    if the current pathname is "/usr/foo/mail-under-here" then prune it
>    from the search tree (i.e. don't search any deeper), "OR" do the
>    stuff to the right of the "-o" which is what you were already
>    doing.
Useful hints, Dean.  Filed for study later, thanks.

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