FC5 and SATA drive -

Bob Goodwin bobgoodwin at wildblue.net
Sun Aug 27 08:00:17 UTC 2006

Dean S. Messing wrote:
> : I am contemplating buying a new SATA hard drive to add as
> : the second drive in a newer Dell [P4  2.8gHz 512 megs RAM]
> : computer that presently has one SATA drive and Windows XP
> : installed.  I would like to add the second drive and install
> : FC5 on it and dual boot.
> : 
> : It appears to me that it should be simply a matter of plugging
> : in the cables and running the FC5 install DVD.  Are there
> : pitfalls I should know about or can I expect this to simply work
> : as expected?
> Although I only have one SATA on my system (and one ATA), I was able
> to install FC5 on it w/o problems.  The installer installed the
> right modules (in my case, "ata_piix", "libata", sd_mod, and
> "scsi_mod") and could see the drive fine. The system kernel booted
> fine also.
> I _did not_ try configuring grub to put the bootloader on the SATA.
> For various reasons I put the stage 1 bootloader on a floppy and
> booted off of that.  However grub was able to complete the boot with
> the kernel on the SATA just fine, so there shd. be no problems in
> booting.
> Dean

        *Thanks Dean.  I keep thinking that perhaps I should really buy
        another ATA drive and use it since it could be used in one of
        the older boxes if needed but I think I will stick with SATA in
        that computer.  It sounds like I should be able to make it work.  *



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