Can't mount a floppy disk

Nigel Henry cave.dnb at
Sun Aug 27 10:17:59 UTC 2006

On Sunday 27 August 2006 11:36, Keith Powell wrote:
> I have installed FC5 with the KDE desktop. It's a very good
> distribution and I am very pleased with it.
> However, I need to be able to occasionally use floppy disks and I
> can't get them to mount. Inserting a floppy, clicking on the desktop
> "System" icon, going to Storage Media and clicking on the floppy disk
> icon, brings up an error message that it can't be mounted. Neither
> does it automatically mount when a floppy disk is loaded (in case it
> should!).
> I have tried going to the icon's properties and experimenting with
> various mount points, but it's still the same. i have tried selecting
> "automatically mount" but nothing.
> Then I created a desktop link to the floppy device. It still didn't
> mount. Again, I tried pointing the link to various device mount
> points (guessing where to point it!), but nothing.
> I can format a floppy, it's just that I can't mount it.
> I'm lost and would appreciate it if someone would kindly point me in
> the right direction.
> If this has been asked before and answered, sorry for asking it again,
> but I can't find it in the mailing list or forum archives.
> Many thanks
> Keith

Hi Keith. You need to create an fstab entry for it, and a floppy directory 
in /mnt. As root.
mkdir /mnt/floppy

Then, as root in a text editor, add the line below to /etc/fstab, which I 
copied from my FC2 install, and works ok on FC5.

/dev/fd0       /mnt/floppy              auto           noauto,owner       0 0

Probably best to reboot, and the new fstab entry will be read.


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