Powerfail confusion

David Fletcher fc at fletchersweb.net
Sun Aug 27 16:05:44 UTC 2006

On Sunday 27 August 2006 16:50, Tom Horsley wrote:
> If I plug in the usb cable for my APC Back-UPS system,
> I do indeed see the battery icon in a gnome session,
> so it is clear that something is talking to it.
> Is that something smart enough to cleanly shutdown the
> system on a power failure? Or do I need extra software
> like NUT or apcupsd? (I'd kinda rather not answer this
> question via the obvious experiment :-).

You need to go (as root)

yum install apcupsd

then try apcaccess. If nothing happens go

service apcupsd start

then try apcaccess again. It should be obvious if it's working. You might need 
to edit /etc/apcupsd/apcupsd.conf. The comments make it fairly 
self-explanatory. Make a backup copy first in case you manage to really foul 
it up. Then go

service apcupsd restart

if you need to. Use chkconfig to get apcupsd auto startup next time you boot.

If you want to hang more PCs off the same UPS you can install apcupsd on those 
too and get them to talk to the PC with the USB cable via the LAN. You'll 
need to open the firewall port to do this.


Dave F

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