Copy a CD with cdrecord and a single burner

François Patte francois.patte at
Mon Aug 28 07:51:52 UTC 2006

Paul Smith a écrit :
> On 8/25/06, Paul Smith <phhs80 at> wrote:
>> >  My suggestion would be to make an ISO of the CD you're copying,
>> place that
>> > ISO on your hard drive, and then use the blank CD to burn the ISO to
>> disc.,
>> >
>> >  Does somebody know how to copy a CD to another one with only one
>> >  burner and using the command line, say, cdrecord?
>> Thanks, Jared, but how to make an ISO of the CD?
> In addition: are you sure that one can create an ISO of an audio CD?

If it is only audio CD, why don't you "rip" your CD using Grip (for
instance) and put it in wav format on your hard drive, then (as it seems
you use KDE) use k3b to create a new adio file?

François Patte
UFR de mathématiques et informatique
Université Paris 5 - Paris

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