evolution signature position?

Matt Davey mcdavey at mrao.cam.ac.uk
Mon Aug 28 09:11:54 UTC 2006

On Mon, 2006-08-28 at 17:16 +0930, Tim wrote:
> On Sun, 2006-08-27 at 15:56 -0500, Aaron Konstam wrote:
> > The good news is you can get evolution to run a program to create the
> > signature as I have doene below using the fortune program.
> >
> > "Let me guess, Ed. Pentescostal, right?" -- Starcap'n Ra,
> > ra at asuvax.asu.edu "Nope. Charismatic (I think - I've given up on what
> > all those pesky labels mean)." -- Ed Carp, erc at unisec.usi.com "Same
> > difference - all zeal and feel, averaging less than one working brain
> > cell per congregation. Starcap'n Ra, you pegged him. Good work!" -- Kenn
> > Barry, barry at eos.UUCP
> Which, because Evolution composes messages in pseudo-HTML, even if you
> eventually post as plain text, it ends up all rewrapped, losing the
> formatting, [...]

yes, <sigh>.  It'll be a good day when evolution allows a proper plain
text formatter and has a less frustrating editor.

I do use a script to generate signatures, and I get it to output text
surrounded by <pre> ... </pre> tags.  Works nicely.

But this doesn't help the OP who, I think, wanted to know if there was
an option to put the signature at the top of the message instead of the
bottom.  As far as I know, this isn't configurable.


Matt Davey		The journey of a thousand miles begins with 
mcdavey at mrao.cam.ac.uk	       	    a broken fan belt and a leaky tire.

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