What is the language "British"?

Charles Curley charlescurley at charlescurley.com
Mon Aug 28 15:47:05 UTC 2006

On Mon, Aug 28, 2006 at 09:10:46AM -0600, Robin Laing wrote:
> Charles Curley wrote:
> >On Mon, Aug 28, 2006 at 09:29:27AM -0400, Bob Goodwin wrote:
> >
> >>Timothy Murphy wrote:
> >>
> >>>I was installing FC-5 yesterday,
> >>>and I noticed that when asked to choose my language,
> >>>I was given an extensive list which included "British" but not "English".
> >>>

> And to add to this, many British people call it the "Queen's
> English".

I would suggest a bugzilla entry to Mr. Murphy. As he appears to be an
Irishman, I think it would be forgivable if he didn't proposed that as
an alternate term.

> There are allot of terms that can cause embarrassment for those from 
> across the pond coming to North America.
> Rubber in England is an eraser.  Think of asking a girl in a bar for a 
> rubber.
> Fag is a cigarette.  Could be a quick way for a punch in the face.
> There are others but best left off the list. :)

Underground. Subway.

For more, see H.L. Mencken's The American Language, a delight for


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