What is the language "British"?

alan alan at clueserver.org
Mon Aug 28 18:28:26 UTC 2006

On Mon, 28 Aug 2006, Ed Greshko wrote:

> Robin Laing wrote:
>> And to add to this, many British people call it the "Queen's English".
>> There are allot of terms that can cause embarrassment for those from
>> across the pond coming to North America.
>> Rubber in England is an eraser.  Think of asking a girl in a bar for a
>> rubber.
>> Fag is a cigarette.  Could be a quick way for a punch in the face.
>> There are others but best left off the list. :)
> What can be even funnier is the difference in pronunciation.  I remember
> years ago an Australian came up here to Taiwan to assist in the
> installation of what was then called a "super computer".  The guy was
> very astute and knew ahead of time that the majority of Taiwanese are
> taught "American English".  So, when he first asked for a tool he made
> sure he asked the locals for a "wrench" and not a "spanner".  They
> looked at him with blank faces.  He repeated his request and each time
> was met with questioning looks.  I turned to them and said, "Lawrie
> would like a wrench".  Their response was immediate.  It was at that
> point Lawrie's face took on the look of puzzlement.

Asking someone for a lift will give similar responses.  (A "lift" in the 
UK as an elevator.)

"Oh, Joel Miller, you've just found the marble in the oatmeal. You're a
lucky, lucky, lucky little boy. 'Cause you know why? You get to drink
from... the FIRE HOOOOOSE!"
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