What is the language "British"?

Ed Greshko Ed.Greshko at greshko.com
Mon Aug 28 19:27:28 UTC 2006

Mike Klinke wrote:
> On Monday 28 August 2006 10:01, Ed Greshko wrote:
>> Why is it that one side has to be "correct/right" and the other
>> side "incorrect/wrong".  I don't get it.
> Depends on context;  you'll get a ticket if you atempt to drive on 
> the pavement in England but not in the U.S.. Definitely "wrong" in 
> the point of view of the officer. 8)

You mean like looking to your right, stepping off the curb, and getting
flattened by the car coming from the left?  :-)

> As long as the arguments are made in the spirit of fun, which most 
> of it seems to be, I don't see a problem.  For the most part, I 
> find the differences in pronounciation, spelling, and usage 
> amusing.

And, at times, perplexing.

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