What is the language "British"?

Ed Greshko Ed.Greshko at greshko.com
Mon Aug 28 19:46:54 UTC 2006

David Fletcher wrote:
> On Monday 28 August 2006 16:01, Ed Greshko wrote:
>> David Fletcher wrote:
>>> On Monday 28 August 2006 15:02, Ed Greshko wrote:
>>> I think you've got it the wrong way around. "Defence" is the correct
>>> spelling.
>> Both are correct.
> So "dephence" would also be correct, would it? As would "Korekt"?

In Malaysia, a former colony of some "English" speaking country,
computer is komputer.

>> Why is it that one side has to be "correct/right" and the other side
>> "incorrect/wrong".  I don't get it.
> The human brain has always been endowed with sufficient intelligence to be 
> capable of making allowances for incorrect spelling, intentional or 
> accidental. It can still dig out the correct meaning even if the text isn't 
> absolutely correct. Fortunately. So it actually doesn't matter a damn if 
> other nations choose to use incorrect spelling. I can tolerate it.

You mean like when some countries/people spell "Rome" instead of "Roma"
or "Florence" instead of "Firenze" or "Taipei" instead of "台北"?

> Now, if somebody were to alter some C language keywords in gcc, say 
> change "break" to "exit" and "return" to "sendback" that would really foul 
> things up. So we just don't do it.

Ahh...now I know the true meaning of "Artificial Intelligence".  :-)

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