What is the language "British"?

Michael Hennebry hennebry at web.cs.ndsu.nodak.edu
Mon Aug 28 20:44:21 UTC 2006

On Mon, 28 Aug 2006, Timothy Murphy wrote:

> I think the difference between British-English and US-English
> is exaggerated to an absurd degree.
> Ask someone whether the novel they just read
> was published in the UK or the US, and 90% will not have noticed.
> Even the words that are supposed to mark the distinction,
> like lift vs elevator, are used interchangeably in the UK
> (I don't know about the US.)

I've never heard a USAn refer to a machine as a lift.

Mike   hennebry at web.cs.ndsu.NoDak.edu
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                                                           --  Mr. Spock

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