FC5 - Installing new software RAID1 with 2 SATA drives

Jeff Vian jvian10 at charter.net
Tue Aug 29 00:12:29 UTC 2006

On Mon, 2006-08-28 at 13:20 -0700, Timothy Alberts wrote:
> I am trying to use the Installation program with FC5 to setup a new
> system with 2 SATA drives.  The motherboard has a 'hardware raid' but
> after a few years of monkeying with this system and drivers, software
> raid is the correct way to go.  However, I am installing FC5 on new hard
> drives.  The installation finishes, I reboot and the boot loader
> sometimes isn't found at all, or is found, but doesn't have a kernel to
> boot?  The times that the installer puts a boot loader in without a
> kernel, I type in the parameters:
> root(hd0,0)
> kernel...
> initrd...
> and the system boots for the first time and I get through the 'first
> boot stuff (setting soundcard etc)', then I boot again (if I'm lucky)
> and the system boots.  However, at this point is the real symptom of the
> problem.  The raid never has both drives in each partition.  The system
> is configured to have /boot as /dev/md0 (/dev/sda1 + /dev/sdb1)... /
It appears you have used raid 1.

You need to make sure grub was installed on the MBR of the drive that is
booting, and it needs to be on the boot sector of both drives.
One way would be to boot to rescue mode and then do a grub-install on
the both drives. (or do the same once booted to normal mode.)

After that regardless of which drive is booted it should work.

> as /dev/md1 (/dev/sda2 + /dev/sdb2)... swap as /dev/md2 (/dev/sda3
> + /dev/sdb3) except the system is only using sda in partion md0 and sdb
> in partion md1 and sda in partion md2.  Never are both drives in their
> assigned partitions.
How do you know this?  mdadm will tell you what the config is, and if
the raid is working correctly it will not matter which partition is
shown as the active one, the other will have a mirrored copy.

> So my first question, I've looked through the mailing list archives back
> a few months and I see no related issues.  Is anyone aware of bugs with
> the software raid installation in FC5?
> I guess my second question is a general 'help'?
> Thank you in advance.

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