Font Size in Open Office Docs on different platforms

Tim ignored_mailbox at
Tue Aug 29 07:30:41 UTC 2006

>> Are the lines the same widths?  Point sizing generally refers to
>> characters per inch across the page.
Richard England:
> I don't believe that is true unless it has changed since my days in 
> actual printing.  The character size in points refers to the size from
> the highest to the lowest extent of the letters of a given type face
> size.

While the "size" of a font is, indeed, the entire size of the font,
points used in typing, generally, were just used as a measure of how
many would fit across a given width (10pt being the common one, 12pt
being the more compact, usually).

> You also have to consider the display medium. DPI and aspect ratio of 
> the display device can wreak havoc on any document transfered across 
> systems.

Another consideration that word processor document files are just
storage of something on a particular PC (for later printing, etc.).
They really are not a portable document format.  A different PC might
have different fonts, and will probably have a different printer (with
different minimum margins).

(Currently running FC4, occasionally trying FC5.)

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