What is the language "British"?

Sjoerd Mullender sjoerd at acm.org
Tue Aug 29 10:59:23 UTC 2006

On 2006-08-29 12:40, jdow wrote:
> Now as homework, Ed, search the web for "Terpsichore tongue twister".
> When you can get all the way through that without stumbling you might
> know something about - I'm not sure what. But it surely is fun to work
> your way through it.
> http://www.betterendings.org/Homeschool/Fun/tongue.htm
> {^_-}

Interestingly, this poem was written by a Dutchman, Dr. G. Nolst
Trenité, also known as Charivarius.  See

Sjoerd Mullender

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