What is the language "British"?

jdow jdow at earthlink.net
Tue Aug 29 11:28:35 UTC 2006

From: "Anne Wilson" <cannewilson at tiscali.co.uk>

> A truck here is not a lorry :-)  Off-hand I can only think of the
> fork-lift variety, though I have a vague feeling that there may be
> a railway connection, as well.  Possibly a small goods unit?

On a US railway the trucks are the things under the individual train
cars that hold the wheels and attach to the chassis, usually through
rotary joints.

Trucks on roads are usually vehicles designed with commercial, at some
level, cargo hauling in mind. The small passenger vehicles, usually
designed for 2 to 6 people, are generally cars. Most other things
are busses or trucks.


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