What is the language "British"?

jdow jdow at earthlink.net
Tue Aug 29 11:36:18 UTC 2006

From: "Gene Heskett" <gene.heskett at verizon.net>
> On Tuesday 29 August 2006 05:54, Ed Greshko wrote:
>>William Case wrote:
>>> As a Canadian, I thoroughly understand what a pain in the ass it is to
>>> get stuck with somebody else's spelling.
>>What is actually a pain is having to get stuck with somebody else's
>>paper size.  Worked in the USA for a company with the HQ in London.  The
>>USA is standardized on 8.5x11 will the HQ in London uses A4.  I think
>>one can imagine the amount of work it can take to reformat product
>>brochures so they can be downloaded and printed by USA based prospects.
>>The difference between color and colour is nothing compared to that.
> I'll second that opinion.  It wouldn't be so bad, except when I walk into 
> Staples et all, looking for A4 size paper, they have absolutely no clue 
> that the US seems to be the only user of the 8.5x11 format.  And they 
> cannot grok what difference it makes at all.  Very very frustrating.

Try for Architectural A size. That's even worse to find than Legal size
to find. (It's 12 by 9.)


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