Port Redirection in Fedora

R. G. Newbury newbury at mandamus.org
Tue Aug 29 22:00:59 UTC 2006

I ran OS/2 for many years, although I had some DOS programs which I 
continued to use inside a VDM (Virtual Display Monitor).
A DOS VDM could not actually access the hardware.

I would set up a print under OS/2 to 'talk' to LPT1. Then I could set up 
a virtual printer, the same as real one, aimed at LPT2, and then 
re-direct the LPT2 output to LPT1.

The DOS program thought that it was talking to LPT2, as it was actually 
dealing with the re-direction code.

The same thing can be done under Windows with a program called RedMon, 
so that you can 'print' to Ghostscript and get PDF output.

My question.

How do you re-direct output from a virtual port to a real printer spool, 
under Fedora?


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