What is the language "British"?

jdow jdow at earthlink.net
Tue Aug 29 23:28:40 UTC 2006

From: "Steve Searle" <steve at stevesearle.com>

> On Tue, August 29, 2006 12:30 pm, jdow wrote:
>> And potatoe WAS/IS a legitimate spelling for potato in the US at the
>> time illiterate lefties made it a means of tarring Dan Quayle.
> But Dan Quayle was correcting a school child who spelled it "potato", so
> presumably he is at least as illiterate as your lefties since he didn't
> know that potato was also correct.

The card he was handed for the word spelled it potatoe. As it was a
spelling test he took the card at its word. He was ambushed.


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