What is the language "British"?

jdow jdow at earthlink.net
Tue Aug 29 23:54:47 UTC 2006

From: "Gene Heskett" <gene.heskett at verizon.net>

> On Tuesday 29 August 2006 09:23, Matthew Saltzman wrote:
>>On Tue, 29 Aug 2006, Charles Curley wrote:
>>> On Tue, Aug 29, 2006 at 03:29:15AM -0700, jdow wrote:
>>>> From: "Jack Gates" <jlgates at charter.net>
>>>> Then we can call ourselves US. The rest of all yawl are well all
>>>> yawl.
>>> Which is usually spelt "y'all". "Yawl" is a two masted fore-and-aft
>>> rig sailing vessel. If you ketch the difference.
>>Of course, "y'all" used to be vernacular plural for "you", but these
>> days, "y'all" seems to be second person singular around here and the new
>> plural form is "all y'all".
> Maybe over at Clemson, but that usage hasn't made it to North Central WV 
> yet, Matthew.  Even that 'yawl' business was a new one for me.  Does that 
> mean we're really really behind the times here?

That was my "ob pun" to keep the thread rich and alive. This is fun

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