Can mount location of cdroms be customized?

Tim ignored_mailbox at
Wed Aug 30 03:55:22 UTC 2006

On Tue, 2006-08-29 at 17:27 +0200, David Jansen wrote:
> I liked it in previous versions of Fedora Core that a cdrom would
> always get mounted in a fixed location, e.g. /media/cdrom
> or /media/cdrecorder so you could just access it, or have scripts
> access it in the same location.  Now, cds and other removable media
> are mounted using the name of the media, eg "/media/K3b data project"
> Is there a way to customize the  mount point to get the old behaviour
> back (or to get some other predictable behaviour)?

Personally, I'd like both at the same time, so if someone has a hint on
that, chime in as well.

That gives you predictable hardware addresses, as well as specific
volume addresses (i.e. you can always find the contents of the CD-ROM
versus the CD-burner, or always find the particular disc wherever its

(Currently running FC4, in case that's important to the thread)

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