The silly mess with Firefox's Flash plugin

Ski Dawg fedora at
Wed Aug 30 15:13:42 UTC 2006

On Wed, 2006-08-30 at 10:06 +0300, Heikki Pesonen wrote:
> I use Firefox bouth in WindowsXP and in Fedora Core 5. As usual, in
> Windows-word no problems. In Fedora Core Firefox works otherwise well
> but untill recently I have not gotten  Flash Player plugin to install.
> I found some advice and did everything asked (a long list follows):
> But this did not help :(
> I know, this is Linux world, but I did not want to change back to
> Windows when I need Flash Playing. 

After reading this thread, I am wondering if it more a problem with the
site, rather than your setup.

First of all, ask Firefox what is installed. In the address bar type
<about:plugins> (without <>). It will show you all the plugins that
Firefox thinks are installed.

If Flash is listed (mine is the first plugin, Shockwave Flash), then it
is not a problem with your setup, but rather a problem with the site.

Adobe, in their infinite wisdom, has not released a Flash player for
Linux past version 7.0 r63. There are many sites out there now, that are
using Flash that require at least Flash 8 in order to work. What site
are you trying to view the Flash on?

I did read somewhere what Adobe is working on Flash 9 for Linux (and the
rest of the world), maybe on this list, but there was no information
about when it would be released to the public.


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