Mozilla shortcut key not working

Philip Walden pwaldenlinux at
Wed Aug 30 17:57:19 UTC 2006

Tim wrote:

>On Tue, 2006-08-29 at 15:57 -0700, Philip Walden wrote:
>>Good thought, but shift-control-C is not assigned to any of my Gnome 
>I've had similar experiences with setting shortcuts.  In some cases I've
>had success by trying out different shortcuts until I found one that
>actually did something.  In other cases, nothing I could do would make
>it work.  e.g. I cannot make the "lock screen" shortcut work, at all.
>And that's one that I really would like a quick hotkey for.
If you have an enhanced "internet keyboard" you might want to try LinEAK.

I have programmed all my extra buttons using it. ie "mail" button brings 
up mozilla mail, etc. As I recall it has builtin gnome functions like 

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