Adding FC5 to an XP computer -

Paul Smith phhs80 at
Wed Aug 30 18:45:38 UTC 2006

On 8/30/06, Bob Goodwin <bobgoodwin at> wrote:
> I'm about to add an 80G sata second drive to a Dell 2.8G XP computer
> that I wish to boot to both Linux and Windows XP. I have the FC5 DVD
> from which I intend to do the install.
> What do I need to know before I start?  XP Home is already installed and
> I have no way to reinstall it, no o/s CD's are provided.  There will
> probably be choices for locating boot and grub, what is best to do there?
> Any suggestions, reference material, etc. appreciated.


Do you have spare hard disk space not allocated to Windows XP?


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