FC6-test 2

Matthew Saltzman mjs at ces.clemson.edu
Wed Aug 30 20:00:09 UTC 2006

On Wed, 30 Aug 2006, alan wrote:

> On Wed, 30 Aug 2006, oldman wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Guillermo Garron wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> If i download FC6 test 2 and install it when the official version is
>>> released do I have to download it again? or just with a yum update I
>>> will have it on my PC?
>>> thanks,
>>> regards,
>>> Guillermo.
>> 	Should work, but is NOT guaranteed
> You would have to switch yum to point to the FC6 tree and not devel.  Not 
> certain if yum has the FC6 locations in the yum.conf.d files to do that or if 
> you have to create your own.

It is possible that some packages in the final release will be downgrades 
from what is in devel.  It is possible that some package names will 
change.  It is possible that some dependencies will not be satisfied or 
that some things will break.  That particular upgrade technique is not 
tested during QA.  IIRC, some people who upgraded from FC5Tx to FC5 that 
way had some problems.

It is also possible that you'll never run into anything broken on your 
system with your work profile.  For myself, I don't like to take the 

 		Matthew Saltzman

Clemson University Math Sciences
mjs AT clemson DOT edu

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