Adding FC5 to an XP computer -

Bob Goodwin bobgoodwin at
Wed Aug 30 20:35:25 UTC 2006

Charles Curley wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 30, 2006 at 03:07:55PM -0400, Bob Goodwin wrote:
>> Paul Smith wrote:
>>> On 8/30/06, Bob Goodwin <bobgoodwin at> wrote:
>>>> I'm about to add an 80G sata second drive to a Dell 2.8G XP computer
>> I assume the present drive is entirely formatted as a Windows partition, 
>> it's a factory install?
> Probably. But easy enough to check:
> fdisk -l /dev/hda
XP does not recognize the command "fdisk."

Now once I get Linux installed it will work.


PS:  Presently heavy rain has cut off my sat. signal.  I will
send this later.

>> That's why I elected to use a second drive for Linux.  The existing 
>> drive is 80G and 10G would be more than enough for XP which gets little 
>> use ...
> Actually, you can get XP and Linux to cohabit on the same drive by
> shrinking XP's NTFS partition(s). For the gory details of how I did
> it, see
> As for grub, I wasn't sure how to have grub boot XP, so I installed it
> on the Linux boot partition, and have Linux as the default in XP's

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