Hardware inventory

Alexander Dalloz ad+lists at uni-x.org
Thu Aug 31 00:15:55 UTC 2006

Ashley M. Kirchner schrieb:

>    I thought I'd ask before reinventing the wheel...  Can anyone 
> suggest an application for Linux that can track hardware inventory 
> across a network?  I have several machines on our unix network and 
> things are starting to get out of control trying to figure out which 
> has what storage or memory or something as simple as, 'What OS does 
> that have again?'
>    I've seen many different applications for Windows but they don't 
> know how to query a Linux box.  So I'm asking for help here.  Most of 
> the machines are running some FC version (1-5) and only two of them 
> have RH7.3 on them.  (Imagine my surprise when I manually scanned the 
> network this afternoon...RH7.3??  Badly in need of an upgrade.)
>    Anyway, I'd like to be able to have this beast track hardware on 
> each machine and possibly also what services they provide (though some 
> of that will have to be manually entered as some machines serve 
> specific services (for specific domains) while others don't.)  If it 
> can scan the network and query each machine for data, that'd be a 
> plus, however if that's not possible, I'll make do.

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