How to recover X-Server when messed up with xgl

Gayal gayal.rupasinghe at
Sun Aug 27 06:32:17 UTC 2006

I was yuming and rpm -ivh/-uvh  FC5 with xgl and things didn't go as
expected. now that the X-server is not starting and throws the message
X-Server is not configured properly.
Is there any rollback procedure in Linux, or how do i overcome this
problem without reinstalling FC5 again.

wut does xorg, x11 and X-Server mean? is this based on VESA drives?
what is fglrx? what if i have configured my x-server with fglrx having
a ATI X700 card? can i still changed it to the standard VESA drives.

Can i setup xgl on a Live CD. is this possible?

Signing Off with Regards,
Gayal Rupasinghe
Get a Life, Trash ur XP.

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