Cut, Copy, Paste Nightmare

Steffen Kluge kluge at
Thu Jun 1 07:54:57 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2006-06-01 at 16:21 +0930, Tim wrote:
> Nice try with the insults, jackass, but CTRL + C or V doesn't work in
> *all* applications,

That's right, and your point is? On the bash command line ^C does
something quite different, and vi implements it paste buffers in another
way again. Bloody xeyes doesn't even blink when I use ^C or ^V...

>  neither *do* all applications have right-click copy
> and paste options, and neither does highlight and middle-click pasting
> work in *all* applications.

It is obviously up to the application developers to decide which key
bindings they want to support in which context. It is up to the desktop
style guides to define what should work. The Gnome apps I'm using behave
as expected, and support both clipboards. In some cases, alternative
keyboard shortcuts must be used (like SHIFT-^C), e.g. in a terminal
window running a shell - for obvious reasons.

There are a few broken apps, like gcalctool (the Gnome calculator). It
supports  ^C/^V/right-click just fine, but also does a ^V on
middle-click. That's a bug, IMO.

>   You *have* to do combinations, some of
> which have really annoying effects.

What combinations? You use one or the other, even simultaneously, but
not in combination (like gcalctool does). Keeping that in mind,
copy&paste works very well on all my boxes, even across vmware, vnc or
citrix sessions.

As for the insults, I suppose I overreacted a bit, and apologise for
that. I just had to vent some frustration that's been building up for a
while. I'm getting increasingly annoyed with a trend I'm seeing in this
forum. Where are the times when people described their problems with
adequate detail and asked for help? Nowadays, throwing tantrums and
stomping feet seems more fashionable. This being a very friendly forum
people get away with that. In other places (such as misc at openbsd) they
would have been larted so badly that they wouldn't dare asking another
question for 6 months...

"Cut, Copy, Paste Nightmare"? Give me a break!


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