Initrd /dev scripts?

Clint Olson colson at
Thu Jun 1 19:32:45 UTC 2006

Clint Olson wrote:
> Ahh, thanks.  Everything I was googling was saying that it was a 
> gzipped ext2 filesystem, but trying to mount it as such wasn't 
> working.  Cpio did the trick.
> Clint Olson

Ok, new question:  Where do all of the /dev devices come from?  The 
initrd script only creates a few of them, or at least only creates a few 
of them manually.  Here's a listing of /dev when booted into coLinux:

and here's the same listing when booted into FC5 normally:

Both listings are attached to this message as text files.

The problem I'm running across is that there are no virtual terminals 
available when running under coLinux, due to a lack of said device 
files.  Where do these get created in FC5?

Clint Olson
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