Mail flow problem

Steven P. Ulrick lists-fedora at
Sun Jun 4 10:17:17 UTC 2006

Hello, Everyone
My problem is that the test mailing list that I am experimenting with
will not send email to anyone who does not have an email
address. For clarification, I can send email from steve at to
elizabethulrick at and it arrives perfectly.  But if I send
email from elizabeth2 at to elizabethulrick at, it
bombs with the error quoted later in this email.

Before I contacted you with this, I gave this information in Mailman's
FAQ a shot:

I came the closest to fixing this with the following section from the
above FAQ:

7) Logs. 
   If you don't have any of the common problems above,
   then you should look for errors in your log files.

   First look for errors in your MTA log files. On Red Hat that
   would be in /var/log/maillog.

I ran grep hotmail /var/maillog and I found items like the following:
Jun  4 04:20:52 afolkey2 sendmail[13654]: k549KqM3013654:
ruleset=check_rcpt, arg1=<ulricksteven at>,
relay=[], reject=550 5.7.1 <ulricksteven at>...
Relaying denied. IP name lookup failed [] Jun  4 04:23:41
afolkey2 sendmail[23876]: k549NfSJ023876: ruleset=check_rcpt,
arg1=<ulricksteven at>, relay=[], reject=550 5.7.1
<ulricksteven at>... Relaying denied. IP name lookup failed
[] Jun  4 04:23:53 afolkey2 sendmail[24877]: k549Npwr024832:
to=<elizabethulrick at>, ctladdr=<steve at>
(500/500), delay=00:00:02, xdelay=00:00:01, mailer=esmtp, pri=91658, [], dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent
( <20060604042351.732d8bbd at> Queued mail for delivery) Jun
4 04:23:54 afolkey2 sendmail[25081]: k549NsSQ025081:
ruleset=check_rcpt, arg1=<ulricksteven at>,
relay=[], reject=550 5.7.1 <ulricksteven at>...
Relaying denied. IP name lookup failed []

It's obvious (I think) that delivery failed because the server that I'm
sending to could not look up my "IP name"  Further than that, I am
stumped as how to fix this.
My IP address settings are configured to be gotten by dhcp (I am
actually running "dnsmasq" instead of dhcpd itself.  With dhcpd, the
internet slowed to a relative crawl.)
Before my recent reinstallation of Fedora Core 5, all of this worked
perfectly.  (except for dnsmasq, which I needed to start using since
this last reinstall.)
mailman-2.1.8-0.FC5.1 is the version of Mailman that I am running.
It was installed by RPM when I installed FC5.
And, my MTA is sendmail.

As always, if you need further information, I will gladly provide it.
Also, if you can give me a link in your FAQ that will fix this, that's
cool too.

To clarify, I am running the Mailman that comes with Fedora Core 5.

Thank you,
Steven P. Ulrick
 04:25:56 up  1:09,  7 users,  load average: 3.32, 2.22, 1.53

 04:50:43 up  1:34,  9 users,  load average: 1.05, 1.01, 1.25

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