Normal linux in Mac 86

Marc M linuxr at
Mon Jun 5 00:42:35 UTC 2006

Check google, yahoo and other group listing websites for this.  I know there
is a movement somewhere for 'linux on a mac'.  I guess you would look for
keywords for whatever chipset you are looking to get.

I know a developer who runs a Unix/linux based business and carries an ibook
for his laptop, says it will do everything he needs such as kernel tweaking,
all the cool multimedia stuff etc.
The case could probably be made that (with OS X) since it is (suppossedly)
running a BSD type kernel -- that it is more stable than practically
anything else, but that is the start of a flame war that I would rather not
start.  I might be doing the same thing.  I am getting REAL tired of the
4-letter word (dell)....

Good luck

On 6/4/06, Steven Pasternak <stevenp500 at> wrote:
> Hi! I'm thinking about getting a new mac with an intel chip, but I want
> to know if it is possible to get Fedora 5 to work on it. Does it use any
> special/weird hardware with no free driver or is it just like any other
> computer? Thanks!
> -Steven
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