dns question

Ambrogio fn050202 at flashnet.it
Tue Jun 6 19:52:05 UTC 2006

Il giorno lun, 05/06/2006 alle 20.19 -0700, Don Russell ha scritto:
> I added some information to my named configuration so sendmail could 
> resolve the reverse look up of the private LAN addresses.... or at least 
> get an error quickly instead of timing out
I had same problems, and after a long throubleshooting I decided that
queron external DNS for every delivered mail was not a good idea.

Now I have a practical question, because I'm on a laptop and I'm on
customers network some days.

It's hard to recofigure DNS server on my laptop to forward queries to a
DNS server on customer LAN if I can't reach external DNS Servers because
of firewall?

There is a way to ask DHCP info but to ignore DNS info from DHCP Server?


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