kde in extras - the devel discussion

Jason L Tibbitts III tibbs at math.uh.edu
Wed Jun 7 15:03:47 UTC 2006

>>>>> "AG" == Andy Green <andy at warmcat.com> writes:

AG> But that can't hide that KDE will no longer be on the "Fedora
AG> Core" install media.

There is another possibility: Red Hat could accept outside assistance
in maintaining KDE in Core.  The point isn't necessarily that KDE
shouldn't be in core (any more than OpenOffice or Gnome should be) but
that people who aren't Red Hat employees would like to work on KDE.
Currently "move to Extras" seems to be the only way to accomplish
that, and "make Extras indistinguishable from Core" seems to be the
workaround that would make "move to Extras" not seem to be a slight
against KDE.  Of course, "Make Extras indistinguishable from Core" is
a great idea in general.

 - J<

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