Cisco 350 wireless config problems

Dave Roberts ldave at
Fri Jun 9 06:59:58 UTC 2006

Okay, so I have an older Cisco 350 wireless PCMCIA card that used to
work fine under FC4. I upgraded to FC5 and of course it broke. The
driver still seems to be there and partially functional, but it doesn't
want to associate with an access point.

I can run iwconfig and see the interface there as both eth0 with a wifi0
alias. The ESSID is correct and the encryption key is correct (can't see
that under iwconfig, but it's set correctly in network config applet and
I have forced it again and again using iwconfig).

The strange thing is that iwconfig reports "Access Point: Invalid". Mode
is "Managed". Interesting stats are:
Rx invalid nwid is > 0
Invalid misc > 0

I can scan for APs using "iwlist eth0 scan" and it finds my access

>From this, I can only surmise:
1. The driver is loading and it's finding the card OK.
2. The utils are talking to the card OK and it's xmit/rcv OK.
3. Something is wrong with AP association.

I have tried forcing association with "iwconfig eth0 ap any" and even
the MAC address of the AP reported with "iwlist eth0 scan". Nothing
seems to work.

Doing an /sbin/ifup hangs when DHCP goes looking for an address. Using
iwevent, I can see the wireless driver setting the mode to managed, the
encryption key, the correct ESSID, and then dropping broadcast TX
packets, presumably the DHCP requests.

Dave Roberts <ldave at>

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