MySQL and PostgreSQL

Peter Arremann loony at
Thu Jun 15 20:47:46 UTC 2006

On Thursday 15 June 2006 11:40, Karl Larsen wrote:
>     Both of these software DB packages on FC4 do not work because of
> permissions problems. MySQL info has a lot to say about permission
> problems but nothing to say about the problem I was having. PostgreSQL
> has nothing but a long criptic man page.
>     It's clear that these software which I have used in past years have
> matured to a level I cannot understand any more. I am going to just
> forget a DB and do it another way. I have wasted 3 days.
> Karl


sorry if it sounds harsh but I would rather say  "both of these software DB 
packages on FC do not work because you do not know what you have to 
configure". I maintain several DB servers running both mysql and pgsql - 
without any issues. 

If you really expect help then you should ask a direct question rather than 
slam the work contirubuted by the people on this and other lists. No one here 
is obligated to help you - people do because they are nice and try to help 

The basic procedure in mysql is:

1) create DB with "mysqladmin create <dbname>"
2) grant user privileges by typing "mysql mysql" and then executing the 
command: grant all privileges on <dbname>.* to 'username'@'%' identified by 
The % is the wildcard for all remote hosts. If you want to configure local 
connections use 'localhost' instead of '%'
3) exit mysql and then run "mysqladmin reload" to tell the engine to reload 
its cached permissions data. 

In Postgres you do 
1) To create a postgres db you login in as user postgres. Then run 'psql 
template1' . then type "create database <dbname>;"
2) exit the psql and run "psql <dbname>" Then execute "CREATE USER 
<username> WITH PASSWORD '<password>';"
3) if you want password auth rather than ident you'll have to add a line to 
host   <dbname>     all          password
4) For that change to take effect you run pg_ctl reload

That should allow you to do whatever you need - if it doesn't post error 
messages, error codes or anything else that may help people to track things 
down rather than just throwing it into their face how stuff does't work and 
how we jsut waste your time... 


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