FC4 or FC5

jdow jdow at earthlink.net
Fri Jun 16 06:10:17 UTC 2006

From: "Tim" <ignored_mailbox at yahoo.com.au>

> On Wed, 2006-06-14 at 13:13 -0700, BRUCE STANLEY wrote:
>> Hardware vendors are not going to develop  full functioning drivers
>> and then release them to the open source community if this gives their
>> competitors an insight as to how to compete against them.
> If you really believe that licensing terms prevents a competitor from
> grabbing their product, diagnosing it, then using whatever they think in
> it is a good idea, you're deluding yourself.
> All sorts of industries do that (rip a competitors product apart to see
> what makes it tick).  Licensing makes it harder for them to directly
> steal and use things.  If they can get caught, they can get held to the
> license terms.  But with or without a license, they can manage to make
> use of what information they glean, they've just got to be careful about
> how they use it.

It does not seem to stop most open source users. The discussion that
Gene started regarding playing WMV files is a case in point. I believe
anything which plays these files on Linux is illegal to use in the US
even if the reverse engineering was legal where it was done.

GPL is good until it's your ox getting gored. It seems Sean may be
one of the more honest fellows about it. I must give him credit for
that much. He puts his actions where his mouth is. I still don't
agree with his apparent politics.


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