FC4 or FC5

Sean seanlkml at sympatico.ca
Mon Jun 19 05:38:51 UTC 2006

On Mon, 19 Jun 2006 00:28:29 -0500
Les Mikesell <lesmikesell at gmail.com> wrote:

> You continue to miss the point.  The thing I dislike about the
> GPL is that it prevents distribution of a large amount of
> potentially useful software.  That has no bearing on the
> usefulness or my use of the subset that is permitted to
> be distributed.

You continue to miss the point that anything that can't be distributed
with the GPL is because the GPL is designed very specifically to
prohibit that from happening.

I _get_ the point that you keep complaining about it and think
that it's a bad thing.  I _understand_ your position.

I'm telling you that some people including myself think it's a good
thing.  We're HAPPY that the software that you think would be "useful
to distribute with it" can not be.  We don't want it to happen and
we're happy the GPL prevents it.  If you can ever acknowledge that we
have a right to use GPL software and abide by its license maybe you and
I could have a conversation.

Instead you want to imply that the people who like and use the GPL
are doing something wrong.

I've never told you that you're wrong for disliking the GPL.  What
i've said is that it's fine to dislike it, but nobody is forcing you
to use it.

If you don't like the GPL rules, you have MIT/BSD/ and proprietary
software to choose from.  Be a man and put your actions where
your mouth is, refuse to use GPL software until it conforms to
your vision.


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