question ong_list_insert_sorted usage

Globe Trotter itsme_410 at
Thu Jun 22 23:09:58 UTC 2006


OK, I know this is not a list for this question, but I have posted on the GTK
list, but that is very low volume, and the answer is killing me. So, I
apologize for this question, but after struggling with this for over a day, I
wanted to ask you for your help regarding usage for g_list_insert_sorted. Can
someone please help. Here are the operative parts of my program:

I have the following struct:

typedef struct _message_info
char *from;
char *subject;
char *face;
long *ctime;

I have the following comparison function:

static gint compare_ctime (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
const MESSAGE_INFO *p1=a,*p2=b;

return ((p1->ctime > p2->ctime) ? +1: (p1->ctime == p2->ctime) ? 0 : -1);

and the following calling part:

Glist *headers;
   m = g_new(MESSAGE_INFO,1);
   m->from = safe_strdup (from);
   m->subject = safe_strdup (subject);
   m->face = safe_strdup (xface);
   m->ctime = ctime;
   headers = g_list_insert_sorted (headers, m,(GCompareFunc)compare_ctime);

I get segmentation fault with this, and was wondering how I could fix it. I
guess my question is how to use g_list_insert_sorted.

I have Googled quite a bit on this, but have not been able to devise the fix.
This is a programming error, I think, based on my inadequate knowledge. Any
help would be very appreciated. 

Many thanks and best wishes,

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