Splitting an audio stream

Todd Zullinger tmz at pobox.com
Sun Jun 25 17:03:22 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1

Anne Wilson wrote:
> On Sunday 25 June 2006 17:00, Todd Zullinger wrote:
>>     http://www.stlouis-shopper.com/~jtjsoftware/software.html
> AudioTranscriber does look quite good, although it mentions RH7, and
> the web page was last updated in 2004.

The main page linked above says:

    "Version -.0.9.2B has been updated to fix bugs, should work good
    with FC4"

So that should be good.

> In the past I converted some vinyl, but I made separate recordings
> for every track.  It's a lengthy business, doing it that way,
> especially as it's all to easy to get false starts :-)  I could do
> the same again, but if there's a better way I should look for it.

If you're going direct to CD, I can recommend gcdmaster (it's in
extras these days).  With it you can record a side at a time and then
just scan visually through the audio data to find the gaps and insert
a track marker.  Then burn to a CD and voila.  If you're feeling more
pedantic, you can even add CD-TEXT that will show up in more modern CD

The docs for it are a little sparse, but you can figure out most
things with a little experimentation.  If AudioTranscriber doesn't do
what you want and gramofile leaves you high and dry, give gcdmaster a

- -- 
Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xD654075A | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
I've had a perfectly wonderful evening.  But this wasn't it.
    -- Groucho Marx

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