Spamassassin and Spambayes

Claude Jones claude_jones at
Tue Jun 27 13:09:54 UTC 2006

On Tuesday June 27 2006 04:19, jdow wrote:
> > in the spirit of your last quoted sentence
> > just above, after getting Spambayes working yesterday afternoon, and
> > training on a couple of hundred messages, I came home this evening and
> > found only two spam mails in my inbox - there were 313 classified spam
> > mails in the trash, and after going through those, there was only one
> > false positive, and that was from a commercial advertising list I'm
> > subscribed to - I guess my solution ain't broke either...
> Sounds like it isn't. Double check that you do not see any "ALL_TRUSTED"
> messages. That means SA could not guess your "trusted" mail server(s).
> And that "trusted" is a rather loose trust. It's the furthest our from
> your site that all email passes through and you trust not to lie to you
> about the message headers it inserts. In my case that's the Earthlink
> servers and my own machine. (Fetchmail often confuses poor little old
> SpamAssassin. So I set it explicitly.)
> For mailing lists to which you are subscribed you can use the
> "whitelist_from_rcvd", which says you are whitelisting messages that
> claim to come from a sender and always goes through a specific mail
> server name.

I guess I was a little ambiguous. Once I got Spambayes running, I turned off 
Spamassassin. The results above were from Spambayes processing alone, and 
that after less than 24 hours of running with very minimal training. Since 
about 7 hours ago, I've gotten one additional spam in my inbox, and 97 spams 
diverted to trash - no false positives. I'm confident that performance will 
get better over the course of the week, as I train on some more mail. 

Regarding mail-lists and other filtered mail, the way Kmail works is that my 
spam filters are last in the filter chain, and most of my filters are 
configured to cease the processing of a message once it matches a filter - 
each list I belong to gets its mail filtered to its own folder, and those 
filters are configured to stop processing the message once it's filtered; in 
fact, most of my ham mail never gets to the spambayes filter - it gets 
diverted to a folder and removed from the processing chain - it makes for a 
pretty fast spam filtering setup - this wouldn't word in every scenario, but 
it works well for me. 
Claude Jones
Brunswick, MD, USA

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